Friday, February 27, 2009

Heyho~ Welcome To MY Bloggy...

Well... As you can see... Its my 1st BloGgy Eva...
DonT count Frenstar

PoSt comMent if I said aNything Rong ya...=D

Well... lets Roll back some memory shall we??

This is me...when i was still Form 3 year end...
Well trying to look cool anyway...

Well this is me again...trying to look like Osama...
Oh well gues can be Hip-Hop osama anyway with a blink-blink hat...

This is me on 2008 CNY >=O
I look dam Yong Sui...rite? =x

Well I never realy like taking pic anyway...soo there
arent any memorable pic...

Here some resently take pic::

At QB Fun day

Taken by MH~

Fries anyone?? At Tbowl
Also taken by MH~

LoL Hamikhan...Sorry dude i really forgot ur name again...XD

Da Gang~YY,Mi, n Wendy
wait...wher's MH?? oh fogot she taking pic

lets carry on...

Wendy n Mii~
wait...WTH did YY get into my Blog?? 0.0"

Lovely Wendy...woo The Crew =X

Well thats the ending picha...
Hope u enjoy =)


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